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Original Video kiosk celebrates 1st year in UK/Ireland

Original Video is the first and only UK manufacturer of automated DVD rental vending machines and since launching in Gloucestershire last year the company has experienced growth, sales and placed numerous units across Britain and Ireland, giving them a strong start to their challenge to Blockbuster as the DVD rental market leaders.

The Original Video concept was launched in Spain and the brand expanded there to the extent that Blockbuster were forced to close all of their branches after declaring themselves bankrupt in Spain.

The concept was bought to the UK by Shell Live-Wire Entrepreneur of the Year finalist Carlos Marco in 2005, and its introduction into the British and Irish markets is proving successful. Marco says “We saw the gap in the market, and felt that Original Video could recreate the Spanish success in the UK and Ireland”.

With 15 units currently in operation and three more awaiting installment, Original Video has experienced rapid growth in its first year and has plans to position 50 more units by December 2007. The company offers a ‘business in a box’ which is the equivalent of a traditional 90m2 Blockbuster store being housed in a 2m2 unit.

Original Video machines have proved to be success stories in both the UK and Ireland, with one example being a fully automated DVD store in Ennis, Ireland. The store opened in August 2006 and has experienced a huge initial uptake in the form of over 1,000 clients who rent upwards of 3,000 DVD’s a month.

Original Video is expanding further with the opening of a manufacturing plant in Mexico to source the potentially huge US DVD rental market.

Story filed 06.03.07

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