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SeeFront and Tobii combine glasses-free 3D and gaze interaction

SeeFront, leading developer of proprietary glasses-free 3D technology has teamed up with Tobii Technology, global leader in eye-tracking and gaze interaction, to develop a glasses-free 3D version of the world's first eye-controlled arcade game, Tobii EyeAsteroids.

The patented SeeFront 3D technology allows the user to view 3D content without special 3D glasses. An integrated eye-tracking system detects the user's position and transmits it to the 3D engine. This engine combines the images for the left and right eyes in a special way and in real time. An optical filter in front of the display generates a brilliant, compelling 3D impression. As the 3D image is continuously adjusted according to the user's position, the user enjoys freedom of movement in all directions.

The SeeFront 3D technology is well suited for entertainment or professional use by a single viewer with a laptop computer, a mobile device or any other LCD display.

Solutions for Glasses-free 3D require very accurate and robust information about the position of a user's eyes at all times. Tobii's eye-tracking technology makes high fidelity glasses-free 3D a reality.

When implemented in future iterations of consumer electronics, glasses-free 3D combined with gaze interaction technology will allow consumers to use their gaze to interact in a 3D environment - unencumbered by any wearable or handheld device. The implications of this technological breakthrough have already spread beyond screen-based consumer electronics. Aside from gaze-controlled 3D gaming additional applications of this innovative dual technology include use in medical, geographical and automotive devices.

Tobii EyeAsteroids in 3D is being showcased this week at Tobii's booth A29, Hall 26, at CeBIT in Hannover, Germany.

Story filed 06.03.12

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