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Sony Pictures: abandoning DVD for online viewing will cut CO2 by 75%

While Sony Pictures will continue to sell DVDs and Blu-ray Discs, a key component of its sustainability strategy unveiled last week focuses on encouraging customers to switch to acquiring films digitally - a move that it predicts will cut greenhouse gas emissions by over 75%.

The Hollywood studio claims recent redesigns of its DVD packaging "had already helped cut carbon emissions associated with the technology by 22%," reports BusinessGreen, but the studios emphasizes that phasing out packaged media is the best way to reduce its environmental footprint on the long term.

Other commitments made as part of the company's new environmental policy includes goals to cut carbon emissions from its operations by 15% by 2020, obtain sustainability certifications for all its film and TV productions, and use the studio's high profile and global reach to "raise environmental awareness and inspire sustainable practices among employees and beyond," quotes BusinessGreen.

Sony Pictures said that since the launch of its 'Greener World initiative' in 2008 the studio had already cut carbon emissions by 20% against 2006 levels and established Hollywood's first 'zero waste' lot.

Story filed 25.04.13

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