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North Korea embraces 4D cinema

If you thought North Korea was impervious to western entertainment technology, think again. The seclusive Communist state released a promotional video highlighting visitor experiences at the recently-opened Runga 4D Simulation Cinema in the capital Pyongyang.

The video, posted on the country's international shortwave service, Voice of Korea, shows the rough treatment the motion cinema seats synchronized with the film - the 4th dimension in "4D" - metered to unsuspecting, but apparently enthusiastic visitors.

The 4D programme listing includes Winner, a race car-themed film, and Don't Wait For Us, a 1985 war film portraying the lives of North Korean Air Force pilots.

"The glasses, 3D scenes, music effect, and rhythmic facilities enable the viewer to feel a vivid reality," Ri Un-hyang, a Runga People's Pleasure Ground caretaker says in the promotional video. The 4D cinema, part of a large entertainment complex, was visited by Kim Jong-un on 14 September 2013.

According to state media outlet The Korea Central News Agency, monitored by NK News Report, the Dear Leader asked about the quality, sound effects and 4D element of the films and also suggested that additional 4D cinemas be built in each of North Korea's provincial capitals.

Story filed 24.06.14

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