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Video games outsell DVDs worldwide

According to GFK International, video game sales reached $32 billion last year, with movie sales close behind with $29 billion - rentals not included. Video games accounted for 53% of the home entertainment market, with Nintendo's Wii driving software sales up by 20% in 2008.

The research company is now forecasting that video game sales will represent 57% of the market by 2009.

Video games sales already outstrip DVDs and BDs in Italy and Spain, representing 67% of the market. As for total revenue, video games brought in $32 billion, whereas Despite this milestone, video games did not overtake film and music sales combined, which some predicted.

The US share of worldwide sales fell from 45% in 2007, to 43% last year. However, the country still represents three times the size of its closest rival, the UK.

Story filed 29.01.09

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