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DVD Forum looks at 3D technology, network applications

The DVD Forum, the 220-member industry body responsible for the advent of DVD as well as the ill-fated HD DVD standard, is now focusing on network applications as well as on the feasibility and potential benefits of incorporating 3D movie technology into the DVD specifications.

Standardization work on HD DVD has mostly stopped, except that related to China's HD DVD format, whose name has changed from CH-DVD to CBHD (China Blue High-Definition Disc).

A new Working Group – WG-12 – has been set up to study network applications. It just finished defining its scope and is now starting to develop network-related standardizations.

As regards its entry into 3D technology, the DVD Forum is asking for proposals related to the 3D movie technology, and will then decide whether such technology should be incorporated into the DVD Format Specifications. Interested companies may submit information and proposals for consideration.

The Forum may also consider whether measures to achieve compatibility with existing DVD-Video and HD DVD players would also need to be implemented in the event 3D movie technology is incorporated into the DVD Format Specifications. This work takes place under the aegis of Working Group 1.

Story filed 27.04.08

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